52 in 52: weekly round up week 2

Newly Completed

Newly Underway

  • Cook a new recipe once a month (just realised this one has been completed for January, since I've been trying new recipes as part of the Autoimmune protocol)
  • Weekly updates of the 52 in 52 list (also underway, evidenced by last week's post and this one)

Aim to complete this week

Have a sauna

This week I will be getting back to the gym more, now that I seem to be much better with the detox symptoms of moving to the autoimmune diet. My gym has a sauna, so I think it would be great to take the opportunity to reward myself for doing a hard workout, by rewarding myself with a nice sauna afterwards.

I actually read that in this detox phase of the diet it can actually help to have a sauna, as it will assist in sweating out a lot of toxins. Sounds good, but really I just want a sauna to relax 🙂

Begin planning for

There are a few items that are going to require a bit of planning for in advance, so I plan this week on starting to figure out what needs to be completed in order to achieve those goals. The items to begin planning for are:

  • Run 5km in under 30mins (I need to work out my training plan)
  • Hire something fun (I will possibly do this for my birthday next month, so just need to look at what's available and costs)
  • Date night once a month (I blinked and we're nearly halfway through the month, so had better try and lock in a time soon!)
  • Get a massage (I have a voucher I was given from my aunt, uncle & cousins for my 30th last year that expires soon, so I really need to book this in)

There are more that will require planning as well, but I'm trying not to overdo it.


For more information on the 52 in 52 list, please click here.



Let me know your thoughts!