8 Week Challenge: Week 3

Well, it all fell off the rails a bit quickly didn’t it?

I didn’t write an update last week, mainly because at the time I wasn’t home. I was on the way back from a weekend away in Melbourne, celebrating my friend’s 50th birthday. All the days before that though were pretty solid days, and it was a great week 2 overall.

Then it all went a bit downhill.

I’ve self-diagnosed myself with a stomach bug, after spending most of last week sitting down holding my stomach. Lots of cramping, the runs, nausea, and a lack of appetite.

By the way, NO I’M NOT PREGNANT. Apparently that’s one of the first questions people ask when you’re a woman and you get nausea in any sort of way, but no, that’s definitely not the case.

Putting that aside, my motivation level to cook was pretty low. I didn’t do any grocery shopping, and just ate the basics or whatever my family were eating. I definitely wasn’t working out either, because, let’s be honest, I didn’t trust myself not to poop in my pants *grin*

Now that I’ve shredded my last little bit of dignity, let’s get into the usual questions.

What went well

The biggest highlight for me was just “riding with it”. It wasn’t a perfect week by any means, and it would have been very easy to beat myself up about not following the plan.

But instead I focused on the fact that I am in this for the long haul, this is a lifelong sustainable change.

Things won’t always go well. I won’t always be healthy. There’s no benefits to beating myself up about it. Instead I just need to get through it, and then get on with it. And that’s exactly what I’ve done. I’m here, I’m honest, and I’m accountable. It’s not all bad!

What can be improved


I realised that as soon as I’m not prepared, I fall back into the habit of just going for something easy. It would be nice to have some sort of plan in place still even when not well that are quick, simple-to-make recipes.

Coming back from Melbourne, I had the mentality of “I haven’t grocery shopped so oh well”. It was a bit too easy for me to cop out, so I’d like to try and improve on that a bit.

Making meals before I’m hungry

I’m pretty terrible at actually starting to prep meals before I’m hungry. Today I missed my lunch purely because by the time I got around to making it (umm…at 2.30pm, whoops) I was hungry so didn’t bother spending the 20-30mins it would have taken me to prepare a proper meal.

What brought me joy

Making a birthday card for my mum! I had so much fun coming up with this idea and delivering on it, and seeing the joy that some polaroid photos can bring to people.

I’ve not been doing a lot of craft lately, so this was a highlight in an otherwise grey, uneventful week.

This week I’ve done my grocery order, I’ve got my meal plan sorted, and I’m ready to go. I’m not over the stomach bug yet so I don’t know how intense I’ll be working out, but I’ll just take each day as it comes and do my best.

Let me know your thoughts!