8 Week Challenge: Wrap up

So….the last time I posted about the challenge was 4 weeks ago. Which says a lot about how the end of my challenge went really. Honestly, I fell quite off the rails for a bit. My meals were hit and miss, my meal planning was non-existent, my workouts were walking our new pup and that’s … Read more

8 Week Challenge: Week 4

Halfway through the challenge already!? That seems crazy fast. This week was….a rollercoaster. After a couple of weeks of being unwell, I was happy to see that my bowel movements returned to a feeling of normality. But did I get workouts in? Not really…kinda. There were a few days I walked my son to school, … Read more

8 Week Challenge: Week 3

Well, it all fell off the rails a bit quickly didn’t it? I didn’t write an update last week, mainly because at the time I wasn’t home. I was on the way back from a weekend away in Melbourne, celebrating my friend’s 50th birthday. All the days before that though were pretty solid days, and … Read more

8 Week Challenge: Week 1

Banner displaying week 1 of the 8 week challenge.

Wow, I feel like I blinked and week 1 was already over. Where did that time go?? Let’s dive in. What went well Meals Honestly, I feel like I smashed it this week. Coming from someone who drowns in anxiety over the idea of cooking, let alone trying to make something that’s remotely good for … Read more

2025 – 8 Week Challenge (Pregame)

Years ago when I saw a therapist about my eating disorder and anxiety, she told me something that stuck in my head. You must always write. I had read her a few of my blog articles before, and what she explained to me, which I’d suspected but never voiced, is that I have a much … Read more