8 Week Challenge: Wrap up

So….the last time I posted about the challenge was 4 weeks ago. Which says a lot about how the end of my challenge went really. Honestly, I fell quite off the rails for a bit. My meals were hit and miss, my meal planning was non-existent, my workouts were walking our new pup and that’s … Read more

Weekly Roundup – Week 24/2023

Heyyyy, we’re on the up! After last week’s dismal post, I decided it was time to turn things around again. It wasn’t a perfect week (when does that ever happen anyway), but I felt like I had a good solid week. Even better, there were some times on the weekend when months ago I would … Read more

Weekly Roundup – Week 23/2023

Another week down and…another not so great post. This week started off on a high. I completed my first 10k event in years, my second run outside in years, and my first race in years. I was stressed, I was excited, and I was heavier than I have ever been in my life (without a … Read more

I just need a sandwich and I’ll go back to bed

I had just gotten comfortable on the couch, ready to write a blog post (about something…I wasn’t sure what yet, I just knew I wanted to write). I heard the sound of the door opening, and little footsteps padding towards me. “I’m hungry. Can I please have a sandwich? I need vegemite, butter and two … Read more

Friggin zucchini

I woke up today with a cracking headache, one eye half closed, a stiff neck and feeling like I could sleep for a year. I popped some painkillers, took my selfie for the 75 hard’ish challenge, and tried to get on with the day. Then I discovered I had my period. Great. 15mins out of … Read more