It’s now all black and white, exactly how I needed

There's one thing about my mother that has always bugged me when I watch her deal with people that have mistreated her, and completely taken advantage of her. She always believes they will change. She always believes it will come good. She always believes that she and that person will get along in the future. Normally that would be a good trait, but not when dealing with someone that should be forgotten about.

Throughout my breakup with C, I have seen a similar trait in myself, and I hate it.

To clarify, I'm not saying C has mistreated me or that I was exploited. I mean that I see in myself this ongoing optimism that we will be reunited at some point. Before we split for good, I believed that things would change. We have been separated for two months now and yet I still had this belief that at some point it would all come good again, despite the fact that I never publicly admitted it and certainly tried my best to not believe it.

It all finally came to head when I realised I was thinking about him 24/7, which is not how someone who has been separated for two months now should be reacting. I should be through all of this, I should be in the rebuild phase (which I had foolishly believed I was).

Over the past 24 hours I decided I needed to completely change everything. C and I had been friends on FB, we had casually chatted via text etc about how everything was going. We had acted like we were totally fine with the break up and that we were friends. I realised I needed to cut that out. Immediately. I needed to completely detach myself from him, and any memory of him. I felt I needed to completely forget his existence for a while.

So I de-friended him.

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PechaKucha, doo doo doo doo doo

Last night I went to a local bar (for want of a better term) for a Pecha Kucha night. No idea what that is? I didn't know either, and had to google to figure it out. PechaKucha 20×20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance … Read more

Why don’t you drink my blue suede juice (MOG music)

Disclaimer – I have been provided with free goods to review but was under no obligation to post a review on my blog. I have done this purely out of interest of sharing my thoughts with my readers and to encourage discussion.

Everyone has heard of the theory that music played to plants helps them grow.

A company called MOG believe it as scientific proof so have developed some systems around it. They have found a farm based in Australia, gathered the experts and played the tunes. They then used the fruit, created and bottled the juice, and now it's available for sale. You can literally drink blue suede juice (just don't step on it – ha, did you see what I did there?)

In addition to that they launched MOG, an online music streaming service designed to compete with other sites like the ever-growing Spotify.

The people at MOG asked me to trial the service for a month, and also sent me a complimentary juice to try. Given that I'm a big user of spotify, they wanted my opinion on how I found the experience in comparison.

The service boasted some great features:

  • Unmetered downloads for BigPond customers (including mobile)
  • Personalised recommendations
  • Share playlists
  • Music quality
  • Over 16,000,000 songs

For me, the unmetered feature is HUGE, and something that definitely makes me tempted to jump ship from my pro subscription with Spotify when my trial subscription with MOG is up. I have always been worried about streaming on my phone with Spotify purely because of the usage charges. As a Telstra customer, I wouldn't have to worry about that anymore, and I'm not going to be changing from Telstra any time soon (I have learned my lesson in trusting other providers, never again).

I know that both Spotify and MOG have the ability with premium subscription to download playlists so that usage shouldn't be a problem, but what if there's a new album that you just heard of that you want to stream? What if space on your phone/device is an issue, and you want to conserve it by not downloading the music?

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Bali preparation: technology edition 1

When you travel, you take photos. Everyone does. It's a given.

When you travel, you want to tell everyone back home all about it,

When you travel, to share the photos with everyone back home means you have to have the gear to be able to send the pictures, and when you travel, how much gear you take requires serious consideration. No one wants to be lugging around heavy backpacks or suitcases, myself included. How inconvenient! Thus currently I'm going through the motions of figuring out what tech gear I want to take with me, and how I can get away with taking as little as possible. When I went to Thailand last year I took the following:

  • Dell mini laptop
  • External hard drive
  • DSLR camera (two lenses only)
  • Thousands of charging cables and accessories (slight exaggeration here)

All up, at meant it was quite the effort to get the photos from the camera onto the laptop onto the hard drive, plus blogging them (I discovered on the trip that my dell mini hated uploading to Facebook so had to download freeware apps to get the pics up, it was a nightmare). The only benefit to taking all of this stuff is that I had my partner at the time with me to help share the load of the backpack; he was actually pretty good, I don't think I carried much at all!

Going to Bali, when thinking about how much stuff I'm taking I need to factor in that I'm alone. That means no sharing th load, so whatever I take needs to be light, and I need to take the least amount of stuff as possible.

This year I now have an ipad, which means the weight issue of taking the dell mini has been resolved…sort of.

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Saturday night integration

On Saturday night I went out with my housemate and her friends for dinner. This was big for me, because my housemate seems like one of those beautiful people. You know the type: gorgeous, intelligent, seemingly so happy all the time. Going out with her friends meant a big deal to me. Not only was … Read more