Way to go Wednesday

Hey all.

Long time no see! I’ve been kinda doing stuff, trying to go along with the flow, control my anxiety and all that.

How am I doing? I’m…surviving. I’ve been taking a few steps to try and improve things, and while I’ve been in a backwards slide there have definitely been some wins.

When I was seeing my therapist she said to me “don’t ever stop blogging”. So here I am.

Rather than wallow though, I’m using my blog to try and focus on the positive. I feel like I’ve forgotten how to be happy, and rather than embrace the moment I’m on guard waiting for something to go wrong.

Well, no more. Welcome to “Way to go Wednesday!”

I already have a gratitude journal that I’m working on at home, and I thought as a way of getting back to blogging, and to make a resource that I can refer back to, I would celebrate my personal wins right here.

Will you join me?

Let me know what you’ve done for the week that you’re proud of!

For me this week:

  1. I practised my peak-anxiety coping methods on the weekend. I took moments away to breathe, and I chanted to myself to remind myself of what’s important. And I got through it!
  2. I have begun to plan out my meals again. Not in a way of controlling calories, but just to feel like I have a plan so I don’t go for the quick fix and unhealthy options.
  3. I’ve put my child’s well-being above everything else, even my desire to not upset the apple cart. Luca will be moving to a new daycare in a few weeks (we pulled him out of his current one for a long list of reasons) and I’m really hoping that it turns out to be a great fit for him. It’s not long until he starts school so we want to make sure he’s as prepared and confident as possible. He’s my everything, and I want to give him the best start in life possible.
  4. I’ve rested my knee. I hurt my knee again (strength workout gone wrong) and instead of trying to push through and do workouts, I’ve actually taken the time to let it get better.

So, there are a few wins. I hope reflecting every week will help me to rebuild my self-confidence and be proud of who I am.

I’ll just keep referring back to my word of the year.

I am enough.

Let me know your thoughts!