Weekly Roundup – Week 25/2023 (Sleep is best)

I’ve had an interesting week! Some wins, some challenges, but overall I’m still progressing.

Food roller coaster

I had two days this week where I was particularly blah. I wanted comfort food and wasn’t in the mood to eat put in the effort to make healthy choices. I also ended up eating ice cream on those days, although only one of them to a degree that would be considered excessive.

Coincidentally, they were also the two days that I’d gone to bed later than usual.

It’s obvious how important sleep is, huh?

On the flip side, I also had some huge wins. The chicken that I made last week I used in a salad for lunch one day, and a quick toastie the other day (super busy at work and no time to make something more substantial.

Meditation is key to a good sleep

I’ve been using the Balance app, and I’m currently on a 7-day streak with it! I was doing 5mins of meditation in bed at night, although I’ve increased it to 10. However, I’ve learned that it’s really, really difficult to try and meditate in bed with my husband laying beside me. The noises, the movement, etc, it’s all very distracting.

In the future, I’ll move to a different spot, complete the session, and then go to bed. It’s just been really good to really unwind and instantly go to sleep thought.


My exercise this week wasn’t great. I did have a win at the start of the week by doing a strength exercise, which was great.

But I’ve been having some weird issues with my knees since my 10k and it continued to play up again.

I’ve not been able to walk too well on it for the last couple of days. I think it might just be a cranky varicose vein behind my knee (the same one that I had a knee reconstruction on), but we’ll see. It’s like a dull ache that has moved to a side of my calf. If it’s not better by tomorrow I think I’ll see the doc just to make sure there are no clots or anything weird going on.

This week my goal will be to get back to a daily 20-minute stretching routine. I’ve slackened on that a bit, and I need to use the time before my marathon training properly starts in only 8 weeks (eek). I need to build that foundation up.

Next visit to the nutritionist

This week I’ve got my second visit with my nutritionist. Admittedly, it’s causing some pretty great anxiety. I know there are no expectations for me to be flawless, and logically you can argue it away. It doesn’t help the stress of it all.

On reflection, I have definitely made improvements since I last saw her. I have consciously approached my meals on a regular basis thinking about the portions, how much protein vs veggies etc. I’ve started referring to her guide for meal ideas for breakfast, and my husband the same for dinners. We have absolutely made better choices.

But my inner demon is still having a field day.

So, my challenge this week is to make sure I make the appointment. Just show up.

Now…time for me to get to bed so I wake up with the mindset to win tomorrow

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Let me know your thoughts!