It’s the end of the year and time for another 52 list review.
Spoiler alert – I didn’t finish the whole list this year, but I did still do some great things.
Completed List
- Complete a Run Program – I’ve been using iFit on my treadmill and completed stage 1 of the 5k training program. I really love iFit, and have renewed for 2023. There’s a lot planned for this one next year
- Go for a train ride (took Luca for a ride on a train)
- Go for a bike ride (went for a ride out with the hubby)

- Go on a bus
- Take the caravan somewhere new (see: Lightning Ridge trip)
- Visit Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens
- Take Luca to a museum
- Go geocaching with Luca (turns out he doesn’t love it, but the friends we introduced to it do)
- Take Luca on a hike
- Post something to appreciate my husband with the hashtag #lovedupkelsbellsisgross
- Build a sand castle with Luca
- Take Luca to a theme park
- Sell or donate some decluttered items (I did this so often this year, including today)
- Pay it forward
- Use my gifted skincare products
- Finish a sewing project (I made some dodgy caravan cushions but it was good to give it a go)
- Learn how to crochet (I did…and I made a small square, and now I’ve forgotten again!)
- Try a new restaurant I’ve been meaning to
- Invite someone for dinner we haven’t seen in a while
Completed: 19 out of 52
Want to see the full list? Take a look here.
Looking back at the year
It’s been a good but tough year. I didn’t pay much attention to the list, admittedly, but because I’ve been in survival mode really. It was another year of mental health, parenting, and trying to take things in my stride.
At the start of the year I began a new tradition, picking a word that I would try to encompass for the year.
My word for 2022 was “enough”.
I printed it and put it in front of my treadmill, and I can truly say that I feel like it has made a difference.
I can actually sit here and tell you that I’m enough. I’m more than enough. I’m a great mother, and a good wife. I’m a hard worker. Of course, there are areas for me to grow and improve, but if I didn’t have those challenges then where would I be? Probably some oblivious, annoying twit with a huge ego.
I really feel like when I was having a hard moment, or whenever I was on the treadmill, having it there just helped me to keep things in perspective. I still have body image issues, and I still have moments where I feel like I’ve not handled parenting challenges or being a good partner very well. But I have also managed to recognise what value I do offer, and how hard I work.
And I know that I can say that I’m enough.
So if I didn’t achieve anything else this year, 2022 was a great year from that achievement alone.
Bring on 2023.
It’s time for a new word, and new challenges.