Glaravaning is a real thing

We’re staying at Big 4 at Sandstone Point, and it doesn’t feel right to call it camping. Sure, we’re in our caravan, but this is more like a resort stay with a side of hanging out in a caravan. If glamping is mainstream now (glamorous camping), surely glaravnaning should be too? For example, this is … Read more

Every day I’m shufflin

We’re camping this weekend with friends, and as luck would have it (and poor coordination of the diary by me) it’s also the date that I start an event with my run club. So basically I’m trying to fit in 24km a day around camping. It’s a lot. We’re staying at an extremely nice place … Read more

Time for some mental miles

It’s 11.30pm, I’m sitting on the couch surrounded by piles of washing that I just folded. It took me over 2 hours to fold it all. I’d been putting it off for a bit, and well, it kinda built up. So why am I up so late? Tomorrow, aka in 30mins, is the start of … Read more

10,000 for 110

Since the 1st of July I’ve been walking 10,000 steps a day. Originally it was to see if I could keep it up for 30 days. Then I had a fundraiser for August to raise money for Breast Cancer by walking 10,000 steps a day – so I kept going. Once that was done, I … Read more

Hard Habits – 4 weeks aiming for a personal best

Tonight I feel a tremendous sense of relief, a huge weight off if you will. I finished phase 1 of a huge project at work that I’ve been working an insane amount of hours on for what I think is about 12 weeks now. Parts of my weekends, nights… I can finally breathe again and … Read more