Made it past day 1!

Good morning! I’m happy to report that I made it past day 1 yesterday on the 75 hard’ish challenge, woohoo!

I had a pretty good day overall. A quick summary:

  • Having a 1L water bottle and knowing I need to have drunk it all by lunch (ready for a refill) really helps, instead of a 700ml or smaller.
  • It felt like I was pregnant again with the number of times I had to pee (I’m not pregnant!!). I don’t miss that feeling!
  • I spent the day feeling hungry, but I know that it wasn’t actually from a need of food, it was from the habit of (over)eating. I was able to get past it with coffee and water
  • I struggled to get my 30mins of exercise of outside – I planned on running outside at lunch but then decided to keep it to later in the arv so it wasn’t in full sun, then got stuck in a meeting from 2.30 – 5.30 so by the time I got out the sun was setting! When I got home eventually it was dark

Overall though it was a good day and I felt pretty strong!

I’ve been working some crazy hours lately but took the time to apply some fake tan last night. I always feel a bit better (body-image wise) when my legs don’t look translucent/white! The difference is subtle but natural, which is great. Here’s a look at the difference on my shoulder.

FYI – that’s from my daily selfies that I’m taking for the challenge. I’m wearing tights and a crop top in my photos (albeit in this one different coloured tops), so it’s truly hanging out! I’m looking forward to see the difference in the before and after.

Today I’ve already been at work again since about 4.30 – 5am. My hubby and son went to my in-law’s last night to pick up some stuff and will be back today, although I’m likely to have my head in work for most of the day again.

But first, a walk with my friend and a coffee. I’m heading to a friend’s husband’s new bakery that has its opening today, I’m so excited! I can’t eat anything of course, but I’ll be picking up some treats to bring home for my boys.

Onto day 2!

Let me know your thoughts!