Today was a really interesting chapter, and it all centred around the whole “body is a temple” type of thing. It was interesting how they compared the effort that people go to with maintenance on cars, pets etc but never really give ourselves the same treatment. No, I don’t mean like shaving your legs (although ladies – seriously, if they’re more than stubble then I recommend you give it some attention stat). More like had a medical check up, a good night sleep, gym etc.
Think about it – if you don’t maintain your car then when they eventually break down you have a much bigger and costly problem.
On that note, let’s check in on how I’m doing.
Stress level (rating of 1-10; 10 being worst)? 4-5
Notes: One of the ladies that I work with today mentioned that I seemed more “zen”, which was really interesting and pleasing to hear. My workload at work is still unrelenting, and there are always some spot fires that need putting out, but I think I’ve embraced the whole “don’t stress over what you have no control over”. I’m trying to focus on priorities and setting expectations, and communicating what I can and can’t do. I’m getting a little bit better at leaving it at the door. I had a situation where normally I would be stressed and ropeable, and I think I managed myself pretty well in the circumstances. Something else happened after I left the office today which makes me a bit nervous about tomorrow, but I feel calm and able to think logically. I’m still waiting for the big test though.
Getting back to the challenge, the aim was to spend a bit of time looking after myself. Not just de-stressing, not just having a bath or a glass of wine, but something that is genuinely good for my long-term health.
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