So scared of messing up I’m messing myself up

Today was a tough day. Really tough. I cried twice. On paper, it was a good day. We had a play date this morning with several friends and their kids (two good friends of Luca’s), and this afternoon Luca played around the house. But add in a few epic-sized tantrums from Luca and a mother … Read more

Getting it done…a rare work post 

Last year could almost be summed up with one word.  Stress.  I say almost because I married my favourite person in the world in beautiful circumstances. Of course, that makes him worthy of a mention. But other than that it was all stress.  Today I started seeing so many positives at work, I finished the day … Read more

June update on the 2016 52’s list

52 in 52 for 2016

It is a wet, wet, wet day on the Sunshine Coast today. We’ve had a lot of rain overnight, and today they’re predicting more combined with the possibility of some severe storrms this afternoon. Needless to say, today I’m staying home.

So why not write a blog about how my 52’s are tracking?


Talk to my estranged sister

This one was incredibly tough for me. My sister and I had quite a dramatic falling out when I was a teenager, and for nearly 15 years I’ve barely said two words to her. I wouldn’t say I’ve been rude to her when I’ve seen her, I’ve just chosen to stay away or just say hi and that’s it.

This year, being the year that I’m getting married, I decided to try and make a conscious effort to bury it a bit. Well, I’ve done it, reached out and we’ve had dinner. Baby steps…

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Stress challenge day 7: Me time

How easy it is to slip into old habits! I decided to take a few days off the blogging while I went away for the weekend just over a week ago. Then last week was so full each night with training sessions or being crook, that I decided that rather than force myself into blogging … Read more

Stress challenge day 6: Disrupting your automatic stress response

I guess this can be summed up by the words: shit’s about to get real.

Stress level (rating of 1-10; 10 being worst)? 5
Notes: Today was a tough day, and as I write this I can identify that I’m not stressed so much as I am frustrated. I couldn’t get what I wanted today, and so everything just gets harder and the deadlines get tighter. But I have a plan on what I need to do, and the plan is action. I didn’t let myself get overwhelmed, I just repeated to myself “do only what you can do”.

I’ve spent the last 5 days trying to get myself to a point where I have reduced my stress levels and can objectively review how I react in situations. Now it’s time to get real, and start putting the plans into action.

It’s about to become more than words on paper.

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