21-Day Stress challenge: The background

I know I’ve been a bit AWOL from my blog recently, and there’s a reason for that.

I’ve just been through one of the most stressful periods of my life, and in a nutshell it has affected my health physically. I got to the point where one day I was sitting in my car and didn’t want to get out. I wanted to go home, climb into my bed and put the covers over my head. I forced myself out, and got on with things. The next day I struggled to get out of bed. The day after that, I called in sick.

I spent the entire day lifeless on the couch, and it wasn’t until I looked at my fiancé that it clicked in my head: there were other people in my life being affected. My stress pushing me to the point of feeling sick physically wasn’t the only issue, it was also bringing other people down. On top of that, if I ever wanted a family (which obviously brings a lot of challenges and stress with it) I had to sort it out. On the plus side, while it was a serious problem, it wasn’t severe. Yet. I had to fix it before it got any worse.

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A working breakfast

This afternoon we are lucky enough at work to be heading out for a company-wide social activity, Ten Pin Bowling. Following that, as tradition goes at our work place, there will be a big group of people that head out for some drinks immediately after. Also tradition, I'm going to join them and then get … Read more

Getting sick and learning a lesson

Last week, in the space of 2 days I had mouth ulcers, the beginning of a cold sore, a sore throat and eventually a cold. I think my body is trying to tell me something. Either my hygiene is disgusting or my immune system is significantly underpowered. I can't say I've had a lot of … Read more