To my dear passport…

To my dear passport… As much as I love you, I have found that you bring out the sadist in me. I love nothing more that seeing you get punched, by a stamp nonetheless, but punched all the same. You see, the violence inflicted upon you means a journey for me. A trip to somewhere … Read more

When do I become ready?

My life recently has been filled with lots of great moments: fun with friends, fun with family, my dog, the ones that matter. I've also got some great moments coming up: I leave for Bali in just under 2 weeks, I booked flights to Malaysia with my sister next year, and also to NZ for … Read more

My day in watercolour: Wednesday

Sadly the black out only lasted about half an hour. I also have bruises on my ass from that massage, but my whole body feels so much more at ease. A lot of tension left the temple today!