2016 52 in 52: how did I go?

52 in 52 for 2016

52 in 52 for 2016

2016 was officially the year that I stopped looking at what I didn’t do, and instead appreciated what I did do. Funnily enough it then converted to one of my best years in the list yet, completing 39 of them. I’m pretty darn happy with that!

Let’s take a look.

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52 in 52: the 2017 edition

I’m doing things a little bit differently this year, as I haven’t done my recap of last year just yet. Instead, I’ve spent hours working through doing a 2016 month-by-month recap. It’s the first day of January, and I’ll be a little gutted if I don’t get this out, so I’m posting this first and I’ll come back later to do my 52 list review for last year.

So without further delay:

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October update of the 52 list

52 in 52 for 2016

52 in 52 for 2016

Right now I should be working on wedding stuff (less than 2 weeks to go – eek!) but honestly, I’m a little over thinking about it. I’m super excited, but I truly can’t wait until the discussion on the weekend is “what do we feel like doing” as opposed to “what item on the to do list shall we tackle today?”. This morning we went and checked out the venue and finalised all the little minor details, so I’ve really only got a bit more admin’ish stuff to do, pick up my dress, and then we’re onto the final week beauty regime! As I write this the boy is out in the yard knocking up another cool piece of furniture for the wedding, I truly have been impressed by his talents.

But let’s talk about something else.

I’m overdue a check-in with my 52 list. I’m not as far along this list as I would like to be, understandable since every waking minute has been thinking about a wedding. But there’s still been some movement since my last update back in June, so without further ado:

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June update on the 2016 52’s list

52 in 52 for 2016

It is a wet, wet, wet day on the Sunshine Coast today. We’ve had a lot of rain overnight, and today they’re predicting more combined with the possibility of some severe storrms this afternoon. Needless to say, today I’m staying home.

So why not write a blog about how my 52’s are tracking?


Talk to my estranged sister

This one was incredibly tough for me. My sister and I had quite a dramatic falling out when I was a teenager, and for nearly 15 years I’ve barely said two words to her. I wouldn’t say I’ve been rude to her when I’ve seen her, I’ve just chosen to stay away or just say hi and that’s it.

This year, being the year that I’m getting married, I decided to try and make a conscious effort to bury it a bit. Well, I’ve done it, reached out and we’ve had dinner. Baby steps…

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First 52 down – mole biopsy

I’m still very much trying to get into the swing of being back at work after what felt like quite a long holiday over the Christmas break. I’ve been back now for a week, but man it’s hard! I’m starting to get back on track with projects and get back into the swing of things, … Read more