All work and no play…

Finally, FINALLY it seems as though I'm healthy again. That's awesome. Oh, except I was about to say I haven't had to blow my nose in ages, but remembered that I blew it this morning after I sneezed. That was the exception though, other than that it's been forever. Today was the first Monday I … Read more

I’m baaack!

Yes, it has been a long time since I blogged. No, it hasn't been intention. I still love you, blog, I swear! And moreso, I love all of my readers (do you actually exist??) My life has pretty much consisted of the following lately: Wake up Exercise Work Come home Cook dinner Bed Rinse, repeat, … Read more

A long weekend of rain and movies

This weekend we have been lucky enough to have a long weekend, courtesy of celebrating the Queen's birthday (although her real one is in April, the commonwealth celebrates it in June…go figure). This has meant 3 days of pure bliss and relaxation. Friday night I went out to dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday, followed … Read more

My day in watercolour: Wednesday

Sadly the black out only lasted about half an hour. I also have bruises on my ass from that massage, but my whole body feels so much more at ease. A lot of tension left the temple today!