Stress Challenge Day 1: Finding your stress hotspots

I decided today that I’ll start all my posts in this challenge with a bit of a summary of how I’m feeling, with any key notes from the day on how I went trying to manage my stress. It will be interesting to see how my ability to manage my stress levels change as the month … Read more

21-Day Stress challenge: The background

I know I’ve been a bit AWOL from my blog recently, and there’s a reason for that.

I’ve just been through one of the most stressful periods of my life, and in a nutshell it has affected my health physically. I got to the point where one day I was sitting in my car and didn’t want to get out. I wanted to go home, climb into my bed and put the covers over my head. I forced myself out, and got on with things. The next day I struggled to get out of bed. The day after that, I called in sick.

I spent the entire day lifeless on the couch, and it wasn’t until I looked at my fiancé that it clicked in my head: there were other people in my life being affected. My stress pushing me to the point of feeling sick physically wasn’t the only issue, it was also bringing other people down. On top of that, if I ever wanted a family (which obviously brings a lot of challenges and stress with it) I had to sort it out. On the plus side, while it was a serious problem, it wasn’t severe. Yet. I had to fix it before it got any worse.

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First 52 down – mole biopsy

I’m still very much trying to get into the swing of being back at work after what felt like quite a long holiday over the Christmas break. I’ve been back now for a week, but man it’s hard! I’m starting to get back on track with projects and get back into the swing of things, … Read more

The one in which Kel finds out she’s going blind

Well, it’s happened. My eyes are finally starting to turn square from too much tv watching, just as my mum always told me it would. Or as my optometrist put it, my eye muscles are struggling from too much computer usage at work and thus getting incredibly fatigued. Once they reach that point, it feels … Read more

12 Week Challenge: The Goals Edition

As part of preparing for the 12 week challenge, they have asked each of us to fill out a sheet with our goals. On the information night, they explained about goal setting and ensuring you use the SMART approach: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Since I aim on documenting my entire journey, I figured why … Read more