September one second a day


Yet another month down, and what an epic month it has been! Seriously, I love this year.



October’s video should be interesting…it should have a baby make its appearance! Well, not that I’ll be recording the labour mind you, more that the baby will start to feature in clips haha.

I hope everyone had a great month!

20 thoughts on “September one second a day”

    • Ah, yikes. I’ve had so many problems with food, a lot of stuff makes me feel sick, annoyingly all the healthy stuff! I’ve stacked on the weight because of it (I haven’t been eating very well at all either after I just gave up). Not long now until my taste buds go back to normal and I can eat some good things!

    • It’s amazing to look back at the year and remember everything. When I started the project I really had no idea it would be such a big year: moving house, falling pregnant etc, so many milestones while also appreciating the small things.


Let me know your thoughts!