I can only say that I didn't expect to have the week I just had. Health wise, I've been feeling pretty good although I have noticed a couple of symptoms return. I'm going to use the time next week to play around with my food and see if there's something I'm still eating that's causing it. My number 1 suspect: sugar. I'm still only having natural sugars in the way of fruits and some odd maple syrup or honey, a thousand times improvement on what I was like pre-diet, but I've still noticed my stomach grumbling a while after I've eaten.
Last weekend I tried some kimchi at the markets, but only after I swallowed did I realise it had chilli in it. Uh oh. Sure enough, 2 hours later my stomach had bloated right out and I was laying on the floor at home in agony. I'd had to put on a brave face as my friend was over, but the moment she walked out the door I collapsed down. I napped with a cold compress on my head for about 20mins, then dragged myself up so we could go grocery shopping. I just managed to make it to the front door of Coles before I had to bail on Mario and make for the toilet. I just made it, and let's just say it wasn't a fun experience. Lesson learned – no chilli. The non-chilli kimchi was nice though!