52 in 52: 12 week challenge results

This is the hardest post I think I will ever have to hit “Publish” on. In posting these photos, I’m also achieving one of my other goals “Do something that scares me”. Let’s be honest, sharing these photos scares the absolute s**t out of me. I hate photos at the best of time, let alone … Read more

Goodlife 12 Week Challenge: Week 3

Week 3 started off well, with a boot camp session down at the the beach with the gym. It was a fundraiser for one of the members who would be participating in the 100th anniversary of ANZAC day by walking the Kokoda trail. For those not familiar with Australian History this track was pretty important … Read more

Goodlife 12 Week Challenge: Week 2

With week 1 done and dusted, week 2 was about continuing with the meal plan, and focusing on consistency. You hear people talk about how long it takes to turn actions into habits, and with the second week certainly not long enough, I had to make sure the motivation remained high. I'd had a nice … Read more

Goodlife 12 Week Challenge: Week 1

**Looking for all my articles on the Goodlife 12 week challenge, including results? Click here** As I had spent the previous week planning for the challenge, week 1 was all about getting stuck straight into it. Body measurements The night before weigh in, Mario and I had been in Brisbane for his nonna’s birthday. I … Read more

Recap: Week 4 of the Autoimmune Protocol

I may not look sick but it still feels like someone ran over me with a dump truck

What a frustrating, frustrating week. Despite my best efforts and strong willpower, I started to feel worse and worse. My weight didn't move, and overall I just felt very heartbroken and let down. I had started on this diet with the hopes of coming out of it feeling better, and unfortunately it didn't seem like … Read more