January one second a day

This year I read about a really cool app, and thought I would give it a go. The idea is to capture a 1 second video each day, combining them together into one long video.  I only found out about it a few days in, so I had to use photos for the first few … Read more

Training journal: Week 5

A little bit delayed again, but here nonetheless. This week was a bit all over the shop. The mileage wasn’t very high, and there were two “rest” days for the week (although one was spent doing Renovations so it wasn’t exactly restful). It’s nice to see my runs hitting near or over the 4km mark … Read more

Latest update on the renovations

The renovation project for the new house is absolutely cranking along! Thanks to Mario and his family, things are moving pretty quickly, and it’s starting to look a lot better. Completed since the last update: The floor tiles were removed by some tradies (screw doing that ourselves) Patched all of the walls ready for painting … Read more

Crazy week

This morning I’m allowing myself a rest day, although I might do some yoga later. I’m so sore today! I’ve had a great week workout wise, but the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) have well and truly set in.  It’s been a crazy week this week. At work, we have a guy on holidays at … Read more

Training journal: Week 4

I had a great week this week. Two runs, two strength training sessions, one yoga and one long walk. Training week 4 held all the goods. Running/MAF training: I hit a new PB in distance with the MAF training, which was exciting to see. It’s fun to see the performance gains as my body gets … Read more