52 in 52: Do a jigsaw puzzle

Jigsaw puzzle

The puzzle

Let me tell you, when I selected this one I had images of relaxing with a cuppa, and it would be over within an hour.

How wrong I was!

We had just gotten back from our camping trip, when I found under the bed an old puzzle that Mario had been given, but not put together. It’s a combination of the popular Top Gear character, the Stig, and a Where’s Wally puzzle (see a copy of the puzzle online here). There’s 1000 pieces, and is 79cm x 49cm.

When I first started putting it together I'd put it on a mirror that we have, but quickly realised that would be too small. I didn't want to put it on the kitchen table since it would take up room where we eat every night, and we didn't have any other suitable surfaces. The floor it was. I also didn't want to put it on the floor upstairs in the spare room, since that meant I'd be spending considerable time upstairs, being antisocial. So, the floor in the main area it was.

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Why I’m doing the Autoimmune Protocol diet

I may not look sick but it still feels like someone ran over me with a dump truck

I may not look sick but it still feels like someone ran over me with a dump truck

If you’re not familiar with the Autoimmune Protocol diet, it’s a diet that is designed to reduce inflammation and provide a wholesome diet for those suffering from Autoimmune Diseases – Crohn’s Disease etc.

To be clear, I have not been diagnosed with any of those.

However, for the last 6 months or so I have been suffering from a long list of symptoms, which we initially thought could have been Coeliac, but a blood test has since proven that to be negative. The symptoms I’ve had include:

  • Fatigue (even to the point that leaving the house for a couple of hours meant I needed to lay down when we got home)
  • Bloating (I looked pregnant at some points)
  • Varying bowel movements
  • Headaches
  • Stomach cramps (including around my belly button, which I can only explain it feels like someone is trying to rip my belly button out – it hurts)
  • Extreme sugar cravings
  • Diagnosis of Leaky Gut by a naturopath
  • Irritability (just ask Mario – he’ll vouch for this one)
  • Itchy ears

And that’s not even going into the private ones 🙂

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2015 52 in 52: The List

Every year a friend and I each write a list of things that we would like to achieve during the year. This is the list for 2015: Physical Activity Hire something fun e.g. Mini Moke, Segway, House and/or BBQ boat etc  Run 5km in under 30mins  Have a sauna Do a class at the gym … Read more

2014: 52 in 52 list in review

I’m posting this a bit early, but tomorrow I leave for camping so I won’t be in range to post anything more. I’ve scheduled my post for my 2015 list though so that it’s there while I’m away, right on time. The only reason I’m able to post this one early is because it’s pretty … Read more

52: Blog 100 memories (6 to 10 – Historical moments)

52 in 52 - memories

Sadly, this has been inspired by the events of the Sydney siege, of which I’m watching the rolling broadcast on TV as we speak. My thoughts are with the hostages, and I hope it’s a peaceful resolution with no injuries or fatalities. The list below are from those historical moments where you always remember where … Read more