52 in 52: Compete in a triathlon

“52 in 52″ is a list of things that I would like to complete throughout 2014. Click here to the whole list.

I have been exposed to triathlons from an early age. My dad was a big fan of them, and when I was about 12 I helped volunteer at the world famous Mooloolaba Triathlon. I stood proudly in my oversized volunteers shirt, and pointed the competitors towards the transition. After it was all over, I wandered around the transition in awe of all the chaos. Water bottles everywhere, scattered numbers, and the odd person here and there returning to pick up their gear. At the after party, an older girl (probably early 20's) asked me “when are you going to do one?” I said I didn't know, and she said “make sure you do, you have the build for it”.

Many years later in my mid 20's, I mentioned to a friend that I was interested. She agreed, and as chance would have it she knew someone that competed in triathlons that was also a personal trainer. We started training, and then it all fizzled out.

This year I decided it was the year. I had met Mario, who also competed in triathlons, and my fitness level was at an all time high. It was time to push. I contacted my friend again, she said she was keen, and before we had a chance to change our minds we paid for the entry fee.

I started going for longer bike rides, and swimming more frequently. I did more boot camp classes. I didn't run enough, which I would pay for later, but I was training. I was scared. I knew I could make the distances, but I didn't know how fast. I wanted to do well. Really well.

When the day arrived, I had managed to sleep relatively well the night before. We had been down and checked in early the day prior, leaving our bikes in the transition area. I had set up my shoes with the cool new spring laces, and also laid out my clothes in preparation.

I was as ready as I was ever going to be.

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52 in 52: Have a weekend away in a Hotel with a Spa

“52 in 52” is a list of things that I would like to complete throughout 2014. Click here to the whole list. I love going for weekends away, and I love spas, thus it was a no-brainer to add this one to the list. After a long, highly stressful week at work I was thrilled … Read more

Good riddance to afternoon sugar cravings!

One of my 52 in 52 items this year was to give up chocolates and sweets containing processed sugar for the entire year, exceptions being “events” like birthdays, weddings etc.

Amazingly, it's been easier than I thought.

The point of this exercise was to quit my sugar addiction in a way that's sustainable. I mean, let's be real here, when it comes to cooking and nutrition I'm lazy. Really lazy. I needed to give up sugar in a way that I could still be lazy and yet still change my habit in a way for the better. If I tried to jump in the deep end of the pool like I did when I quit sugar a few years back, I know that I would eventually cave in and the addiction would rear it's ugly head once more.

At the start of this year, the extent of my addiction was back to the point that I could easily smash an entire container of m & m's (the big bags) and a pack of tim tams in a matter of minutes, and yet still want something else. It was not uncommon for me to visit the local grocer in the afternoon and buy a bag of glucose lollies and a bar/block of chocolate. I would finish it all by myself in my office, not tell anyone what I was eating, and hope that no one would ask questions. No wonder that despite all the exercise I did I still found myself with a Kim Kardashian butt, and clearly not because of genetics.

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Photos from the week ending 4th January

Part of my 52 in 52 list for 2014 is to take a photo a day. Each Sunday I plan on posting photos from the week before. Wednesday 1st January Mario (the nickname for my boyfriend due to his Italian heritage) and I enjoyed a sleep in after a party at his friend's place the … Read more

52 in 52 for 2014

New year, new list. I’m excited about this list, there are LOADS of fun things on there and I think every single item is achievable without struggling too much (that’s not to say they still won’t be a challenge). Physical Activity (14 items) Zorbing Enter an event I’ve not been in before Learn to Kitesurf … Read more