Kel turns 31

This week I turned 31, which means I can now say that I'm officially in my 30's. Right? Or could I have said that the day after I turned 30? Either way, whatever. I'm in my 30's. Embracing it baby! I didn't really want to do anything this year; I guess having had a bigger … Read more

52 in 52: Weekly Round up Week 7

52 things in 52 weeks

Don't blink, or the week will be over!! Newly Completed: Complete 4 weeks of the Autoimmune protocol Currently Underway: Sign up for the 12 week challenge at the gym Technically this is done since I've signed up for it and paid for it. I just think I will be able to keep myself motivated more … Read more

12 Week Challenge: The Goals Edition

As part of preparing for the 12 week challenge, they have asked each of us to fill out a sheet with our goals. On the information night, they explained about goal setting and ensuring you use the SMART approach: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Since I aim on documenting my entire journey, I figured why … Read more

Recap: Week 4 of the Autoimmune Protocol

I may not look sick but it still feels like someone ran over me with a dump truck

What a frustrating, frustrating week. Despite my best efforts and strong willpower, I started to feel worse and worse. My weight didn't move, and overall I just felt very heartbroken and let down. I had started on this diet with the hopes of coming out of it feeling better, and unfortunately it didn't seem like … Read more

12 Week Challenge: What is it and why am I doing it?

One of my 52 in 52's for this year was to join the 12 week challenge at the gym. I go to the Goodlife Health Centre in Maroochydore, and I'd been seeing signs about it since we signed up last year. They finally opened for registrations for the February challenge, and for my birthday, Mario signed me up. Enrolling one's girlfriend in a weight loss challenge is probably not the most romantic-sounding present, but in his defence, he knew it was something I really wanted.

To be clear, I know that most PT's will groan over 12 week challenges. They believe that it promotes a short-term “quick fix” and then people will just go back to their unhealthy ways after the challenge. In my view, I think anything that can encourage someone to start looking at diet & exercise as a means to lose weight is not a bad thing. They're not encouraging plastic surgery and the shake diet after all! Plus once you start to see the changes, it can become addictive and you'll want to keep pushing to keep the numbers on the scales going down.

I know that I have demonstrated I can be consistent with exercise. I enjoy getting out there and doing something energetic. I like the feeling of finishing a race, and doing something I never dreamed possible.

My problem lays solely in food.

I'm the living proof that appearance is 80% nutrition, otherwise I'd be freaking sexy right now.

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