54 inches between my legs

Oh get your mind out of the gutter…I was talking about a bike! My new bike! I recently agreed to ride 100km at the end of October with a friend in Melbourne's “Around the Bay” bike ride. Because I'm in insane. As part of that, I figured I should maybe look at buying a bike, … Read more

Getting some fitness back

Before I get into the reason for this blog post, it's become apparent I really need to start taking some more photos again so that my posts can actually have something visual attached. Something from my own life! It would be a little more interesting, no?

So how are things with me? On the up in a very good way. I've gotten back into training again 3 times a week, while running on the other days with a break on the weekends (although I try to be active if I can). The first few weeks were tough, mighty tough. Thankfully my body has started to get back into the swing of things and I'm able to push myself harder with each session.

That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though. As I type this I'm sitting on the floor of the living room with a cold pack (in the form of a frozen bag of vegetables) on my knee. My hamstrings are so sore that getting up from my office chair today was pure torture for a while. My arms got a great work out, as I ended up using them to lift myself out of the chair to take the pressure off my legs.

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Cool kid on the block

I am the cool kid on the block in our office at the moment. Why, you ask? Because this: My iPhone wears a leopard print g-string. So raunchy! A work colleague and I have challenged each other to buy the most pointless things we can find for less than US$10 on www.aliexpress.com.au, and gift it … Read more

Perceptive readers and a jam packed weekend

It would appear there is no better way than to find out who is still reading your blog than to throw in a mention of someone in particular (that hasn't featured on the blog in quite a while) just to see who is paying attention. Admittedly, that wasn't my intention but I'll go along with it.

It turns out that a couple of you picked up that C and I had dinner last week, and that there was the potential for a weekend road trip. Alas we didn't end up going as his grandmother unfortunately passed away in her sleep Thursday evening so he immediately left the coast to be with his family. Originally I had opted it was best to let him have time alone with them to grieve, but after a text from him wishing that I was there, I cancelled my plans last night and for today, and drove down immediately.

For those who don't know who C is, he's my ex boyfriend. We split up in January after 1.5 years together, and had quite the messy break up. There were talks of breaks, non-breaks and eventually stopping all communication (it was my attempt to move on).

Once I really understand what is going on with C and I, you will find out all the details as I write it down and try to figure it out in my head (the typical Kelsbells way). For now, we're just discussing things and seeing where it's all headed. In summary, there is a possibility that we are back together but I don't know 100% yet. There's a lot of complications.

So other than an unexpected drive last night, I've had a pretty good weekend! I carried on with my plans believing I wasn't spending time with C, and headed out on the town with the girls Friday night. Well, the town was the plan but I pretty much lasted only the pre-drinks at B's place before Tanya and I called it a night. She came to my place and hung out for a bit then went home, so I was in bed just after midnight. Her son had a footy game at 8am so she was pleased for the early one. The others kept going, and I did hear of people only getting home after 7am (bow chicka wow wow!!!).

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My “do jack all” ratio is too low

During a discussion today with a workmate, we realised that by Thursday I will not have spent a single night at home relaxing for an entire week. 7 full days. Seriously, I am not usually THAT social, so what the heck has happened? Thursday night last week: shopping in preparation for corporate golf day the … Read more