Compared to last week, this week has been a walk in the park although it hasn’t been without its challenges. What I wasn’t expecting was for my weight loss to continue to this degree.
Return to work
The daily adventures of a list-obsessed, oversharing, active first-time mum
This is the hardest post I think I will ever have to hit “Publish” on. In posting these photos, I’m also achieving one of my other goals “Do something that scares me”. Let’s be honest, sharing these photos scares the absolute s**t out of me. I hate photos at the best of time, let alone … Read more
With week 1 done and dusted, week 2 was about continuing with the meal plan, and focusing on consistency. You hear people talk about how long it takes to turn actions into habits, and with the second week certainly not long enough, I had to make sure the motivation remained high. I'd had a nice … Read more
Tomorrow marks the last day of my holidays before returning to work after the weekend – boo. Hopefully the rain stays away so that I can do something a bit special for it!
This week I’ve spent a lot of time indoors, partially due to the rain, partially due to being super fatigued (I expect related to adjusting to my new diet). It’s been productive, in that I finished a jigsaw puzzle (hooray – 52 completed), but also a fair bit of cooking.
If you’re not familiar with the Autoimmune Protocol diet, it’s a diet that is designed to reduce inflammation and provide a wholesome diet for those suffering from Autoimmune Diseases – Crohn’s Disease etc.
To be clear, I have not been diagnosed with any of those.
However, for the last 6 months or so I have been suffering from a long list of symptoms, which we initially thought could have been Coeliac, but a blood test has since proven that to be negative. The symptoms I’ve had include:
And that’s not even going into the private ones 🙂